Pilgrim House

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Pilgrim House

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Social Action


Ongoing Social Action Efforts

Social action contact Social Action Chair.

PH in Walk a Mile Fundraiser

The Community Support Center (CSC) helps people in danger of eviction stay in their homes. Pilgrim House participates in the Walk a Thousand Miles for Our Neighbors fundraiser supporting the CSC held in July at Silver View Park in Mounds View. Pilgrim House currently has a member on the CSC board. For more information on the CSC, their website is http://www.communitysupportcenter.org.

PH also participates in the local Social Concerns Network meetings and in the Social Concerns Network winter clothing drive in the fall.

Pilgrim House supports the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf in Mounds View with donations and individual volunteers. See https://www.moundsviewschools.org/foodshelf for more information and on-line donations. We also encourage donations of checks at Pilgrim House. There is a donation box in the entry.

PH in the Walk for Hope for Alexandra House

Pilgrim House supports Alexandra House (services and shelter for victims of violence). https://www.alexandrahouse.org/. We participate in the annual HopeFest (formerly known as Walk for Hope) at the end of September. Members often attend Hope Gala fundraiser in March.

Pilgrim House is currently looking at supporting affordable housing through efforts like the Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative https://www.beaconinterfaith.org/.

We frequently social action topics in our usual Sunday morning programs listed on our Home Page.

Children and Youth Religious Education, Children and Youth, has done social action activities with the children..

PH at the 2015 Pride Parade

The Welcoming Congregation Committee, Welcoming Congregation, works on LGBTQIA+ issues at PH. At the Annual Meeting on June 1, 2008, PH voted to become a Welcoming Congregation. PH has marched in the Pride Parade.

The Minnesota UU Social Justice Alliance http://www.muusja.org/ coordinates regional social justice activities such as UU participation in the Pride Celebration.

The UUA Social Justice https://sidewithlove.org/ and http://www.uua.org/socialjustice list major nationwide social action events.

In the past Pilgrim House members have been active in Fare Share, Family to Family Ties, and Habitat for Humanity.

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Contact the webmaster:  pilgrimhouse@pilgrimhouseuua.org

Page last modified on September 16, 2023, at 02:37 PM