Supporting Pilgrim House
Pilgrim House does not pass a collection plate on Sundays. We do not require members to make financial contributions or volunteer their time to participate in the fellowship. All are welcome.
Financial support: We are a lay-led fellowship. Most of our income from donations is used to support our Sunday programs, building and grounds, social action, hospitality, congregational care, and family programming. We are a dues-paying member fellowship of the National Unitarian Universalist Association.
You can support Pilgrim House with one-time or recurring gifts made by check (preferred) or PayPal.

Volunteer support: Because we are lay-led, volunteers are important to achieving our goals of community and social justice. We encourage members to participate in PH governance, such as serving on the Board of Directors, committees, and attending and voting at the annual meeting.
We encourage members and friends of PH to volunteer their time in other ways. For instance, volunteers set up our Sunday programs, recruit speakers, help with hospitality before and after our Sunday programs and other events, share their tech skills, participate in our social action activities, work with our children and youth, serve on our congregational care team, and keep an eye on our building and grounds, pitching in when needed. Also, music is an important part of PH and all who are willing to share their talents at any level are encouraged to do so!
Volunteering for even a small amount of time is a great way to get to know — and be a part of — the PH community. We know not everyone has the capacity to do this, however, and a commitment to volunteer is not required.
For more information, contact current Board Chair Adam Aanerud: