Experiencing the Natural Connection of Mind and Body

Experience the power of good posture, relaxation, and a positive mind through simple, hands-on exercises. Mind-body practices for improving health, performance, and life-satisfaction are promising new trends in modern medicine, sports, business, and personal development. While relatively new in western culture, such approaches have a long history in Japan. The Japanese art of Ki-Aikido builds on ancient traditions and modern thinking to teach four basic principles to coordination of mind and body: Center, Relax, Settle, Connect. Anyone can learn and immediately apply these principles in their own lives.

Jonathan Poppele works to help people connect more deeply to themselves, to others, and to the natural worlds. Jon is the Head Instructor for Minnesota Ki-Aikido in St. Paul, MN, where he teaches meditation, breathing, bodywork, and the peaceful martial art of Ki-Aikido. https://www.minnesotakiaikido.org/