Pilgrim House

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Pilgrim House

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Adult Education

Provide opportunities for Pilgrim House members to learn and grow together in areas such as ethics, faith, spirit, personal change and Unitarian Universalist identity.

A simple start can be:

  1. identify a common read or a curriculum from the UUA website
  2. poll members on meeting dates/times for discussion
  3. select and communicate selected dates, time, location to membership
  4. follow best practices for dialogue that is respectful of participants and their time.

For more extended planning: The UUA website offers many resources for curriculum, common reads, and providing experiences that are inclusive of all. Just do a search for “UUA Religious Education”. One starting point is http://www.uua.org/re/adults/151803.shtml.

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Contact the webmaster:  pilgrimhouse@pilgrimhouseuua.org

Page last modified on September 28, 2016, at 02:20 AM