Pilgrim House

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Pilgrim House

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Custom Styles Test

This page illustrates the custom styles defined for the PH wiki in Site.CustomStyles. These styles become available in a page by including the following line near the top of the page:

(:include Site.CustomStyles:)

Style: justify

For justified text. It has block scope.

%define=justify apply=block text-align=justify%
(:include Site.CustomStyles:)
%justify% This paragraph will be justified, with the text lining up along both the left and right margins.  Use with care if the paragraph is narrow or if there are very long words (like URLs) in your text, which make it difficult to space the text legibly.

This paragraph will be justified, with the text lining up along both the left and right margins. Use with care if the paragraph is narrow or if there are very long words (like URLs) in your text, which make it difficult to space the text legibly.

Styles: circle, disc, square, nomarker

For specifying the marker type for an unordered list. They have list scope, so must be specified as a style on the first item in the list.

%define=circle apply=list list-style=circle%
%define=disc apply=list list-style=disc%
%define=square apply=list list-style=square%
%define=nomarker apply=list list-style=none%
(:include Site.CustomStyles:)
A square list:
* %square% This level has square markers
** %square% This sub-level also has square markers
*** %square% It’s squares all the way down!

A mixed list:
* %nomarker% No marker for this level.
** %disc% Disks at this level.
*** %circle% Circles at this level.

A square list:

  • This level has square markers
    • This sub-level also has square markers
      • It’s squares all the way down!

A mixed list:

  • No marker for this level.
    • Disks at this level.
      • Circles at this level.

Styles for house colors

For matching colors used in the footer, side bar, and header:

  • phblue and phgold declare the gold and blue colors used in the header.
  • phbluebg and phgoldbg declare the same colors as background colors.
  • sidebarbg and sidebarbanner declare the light and darker shades of yellow used in the sidebar backgrounds.
  • footerbg declares the background color of the footer as a background color.
%define=phgold color=#b3974b%
%define=phblue color=#4b78b3%
%define=phgoldbg bgcolor=#b3974b%
%define=phbluebg bgcolor=#4b78b3%
%define=sidebarbg bgcolor=#fffbd5%
%define=sidebarbanner bgcolor=#fff06b%
%define=footerbg bgcolor=#fdf5e6%
(:include Site.CustomStyles:)
!!!Header with %phgold%PH Gold%% and %phblue%PH Blue%%

>>sidebarbg width=50pct<<
|| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width=100%
||This table has background sidebarbg ||but only because the containing div does. ||

Header with PH Gold and PH Blue

This table has background sidebarbgbut only because the containing div does.

Styles for centered set-off boxes

For a paragraph or div to be set off and centered. One uses the sidebar colors, the other light shades of gray.

Important: For these to work properly you must also declare a width, like width=50pct.

%define=sidebarbox block bgcolor=#fffbd5 margin='1em auto' border='2px solid #fff06b' padding=0.5em %
%define=graybox block bgcolor=#f0f0f0 margin='1em auto' border='2px solid #c0c0c0' padding=0.5em%
(:include Site.CustomStyles:)
>> sidebarbox width=50pct <<
This is a div.

With two paragraphs.

%graybox width=10em center % This is a single paragraph with centered text, in a box not terribly wide.

This is a div.

With two paragraphs.

This is a single paragraph with centered text, in a box not terribly wide.

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Contact the webmaster:  pilgrimhouse@pilgrimhouseuua.org

Page last modified on December 03, 2007, at 09:10 PM